ITV, a very strict car examination

inspeccion de vehiculos

Since 21st May 2018 the Spanish car examination —known as ITV— will become harder to pass for drivers and will be more careful with the environment. The new regulations regarding the verification of car safety systems are now more strict and more effective when it comes to detecting fraud or illegal alterations. The ITV examination is a mandatory procedure whose aim is to prevent problems that could make the road less safe for other drivers. Do you know the changes in this procedure?

Access to the car computer using an OBD. They will minutely search for every tiny detail. One of the main novelties in the ITV examination is the type of reading device used for cars registered after 2006, an OBD. All ITV stations must have this system. The objective of this examination is to find any technological mistake a car could have, check the levels of nitrogen oxide emissions produced by cars, and identify the lack of filters that may have been illegally removed. Cars registered before that won’t be examined with an OBD

Antique cars. A car must be 30 years old in order to be able to be registered as an antique car. This registration plate allows the vehicle to pay fewer taxes, receive special conditions in the ITV examination, etc.

One month deadline to pass the examination. It will now be possible to pass the ITV examination up to a month before the expiration date.

Change station. If the result of the examination is not as good as excepted, the new ITV regulation allows drivers to go to another station to get their vehicle checked again once the damages have been repaired. This second examination will have to occur during the established period.

Fewer requirements to bring cars from other countries. If you have bought a car in a European country, passing the ITV test will depend on the legislation and the periods established for such procedure in the country of the purchase. The examination will be different too since the new regulation will allow cars to be examined according to the country of origin’s traffic regulation. This will ease the process of registering a foreign car in Spain.

More qualified staff. The new regulation also focusses on the education of the technicians working in ITV stations. These workers will have a year to complete a course that will teach them how to use the new machinery. The main inspectors should have, at least, higher education on Vehicle Inspection.

Remember that a Gestor Administrativo is a qualified professional that can advise you on traffic procedures. Find the closest one to you here.