The gestores administrativos are experts in traffic and foreigners, two sectors that generate many doubts to foreigners who visit us. We give you the keys so that you do not have problems. Follow the decalogue we have prepared for you and avoid complications:
1- We, the gestores administrativos, are professionals who are members of the association and we mediate between the individual and Traffic for any management related to vehicles and drivers. Trust an Gestor Administrativo to resolve quickly and safely the steps you need.
If you are going to sell your car, go to the office of an gestor administrativo, he will make the transfer of the vehicle or notification of sale, which will save you serious problems in the future.
3- If you are going to acquire a vehicle, make sure it is free of charges by obtaining a report from the DGT.
4 – The registration in Spain of a foreign vehicle involves several procedures that can be complicated. You will be able to save taxes depending on the circumstances if you get the right advice.
5- European Union driving licences with a maximum validity of 10 years must be renewed in Spain no later than two years after your residence in Spain. If the validity is indeterminate, you must renew it as soon as you are a resident.
6- Driving licences from outside the European Union can be exchanged if there is an agreement with Spain.
7- If you change your address, you will have to inform the DGT to update the details of your vehicle and driving licence.
8- You can comfortably receive notifications about the sanctions received by registering at the Road Electronic Address.
9- If you decide to return to your country and take your vehicle with you, you will have to cancel it correctly.
10- If you have a company dedicated to transport, you must inform yourself if it is necessary to obtain a transport authorization.